Paid Fellowship
Project InSight Fellowships compensate students who have explored fields related to eye health, vision care, and working with visually impaired populations, and who choose to go deeper into their interest by learning with a mentor in a professional workplace. Fellows completing 120 hours of internship are eligible for a $1,000.00 scholarship. Professional Mentors and Personal Advisors are each eligible for a $500.00 stipend for supporting the completion of a Fellowship.
Definition of Roles
Fellow (Student): A youth who engages in real-world work with a professional mentor in a field related to eye health, vision care, or another area related to supporting people with visual impairment. Fellows are generally High School seniors, but Juniors with demonstrated interest will also be considered.
Advisor (Teacher): A school or community based adult who will guide the Fellow through the process of securing and successfully completing the Fellowship. Advisors are often teachers or counselors at school or another community resource center with which the youth is affiliated.
Mentor (Professional): The workplace professional responsible for providing the Fellow with opportunity for skill development, workplace readiness, and membership in the professional community. This can be both offline and online.
Fellowship Flow
1) Advisor Nominates a Youth
2) Interview with Project InSight Director
3) Advisor and Youth are Sent an Application Link
4) Youth Submits Application
5) Youth Accepted as an InSight Fellow
6) Youth and Advisor identify a Mentor
7) Mentor, Advisor, and Fellow Set-Up the Fellowship
8) Fellowship Commences
9) Fellowship Wrap-Up and Reflection
Junior Fellowship
Project InSight encourages active interest exploration of fields related to eye health, vision care, and/or working with populations experiencing visual impairment. For any high school aged student interested in preliminary interest exploration through informational interviews, shadow days, and/or site visits, the Junior Fellowship will provide a $250.00 stipend after 10 documented exploratory activities with adult professionals in related fields. Interested high school students can apply using this link. Advisors who support youth in the interview process are also eligible for a stipend of $250.
Junior Fellows who find a deep interest in a related field may be nominated as a Project InSight Fellow, although Junior Fellowship is not a requirement for Fellowship. Download the Junior Fellowship Guidebook for more details about the process.